Good news! I am finally going to get this website up and running. It may appear as though taking daily photos was my New Year's resolution but it wasn't. I just so happen to purchase a super smart phone on January 1st which makes it a lot easier for me to take photos. I had intended on posting these photos earlier but some laptop issues made it difficult. Without further adieu, here are my daily photos from January 1st through January 7th.
I take it back. I have more to say. These photos aren't perfect, especially since they were taken with my phone, but I'm hoping I grow in my abilities as an amateur photographer through this process. And maybe, just maybe, I will end up taking a little time each day to be more observant of the little details of my days. Finally, I promise every week won't be so cat-heavy. You see, in the past if the cats were doing something cute, I never had time to dig out my Nikon D70 in time to capture it, usually because they became interested in what I was doing. Now that I have a phone with picture taking abilities, I am finally able to capture some of those moments that make me go, "awwww." Oh, and in case you were wondering, that last photo is of snow falling.
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